Canada Housing Benefit for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence

Lethbridge Housing Authority

What is gender- based violence?

According to the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence, gender-based violence is “based on gender norms and unequal power dynamics, perpetrated against someone based on their gender, gender expression, gender identity, or perceived gender.”

Violence “may take many forms, including physical, economic, sexual, as well as emotional (psychological) abuse.”

Gender-based is “women, girls and 2SLGBTQI+ experiencing violence.”

Helping people experiencing gender-based violence find a safe, stable home while they work to rebuild their lives.

What is the Canada Housing Benefit – Survivors of Gender Based Violence?

The benefit is financial support specifically intended to assist with housing costs for survivors fleeing gender-based violence. The benefit is for relocating and housing start up costs such as security deposit, rent or even mortgage costs.

The Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta are partners under the Canada Housing Benefit. This initiative is part of the National Housing Strategy.

The benefit will be delivered by two Housing Management Bodies:

  • North Zone (Red Deer North) – CIVIDA (

  • South Zone (South of Red Deer)- Lethbridge Housing Authority

Who is eligible?

The benefit provides financial supports to target groups that may be particularly underserved, including (but not limited to):

  • Women and children fleeing violence who stay in second-stage housing for extended periods of time;

  • Indigenous women who are at risk of experiencing gender-based violence;

  • 2SLGBTQI+ youth who are not safe living with their family of origin; and

  • Youth exiting government care, who experience violence, including gender-based violence, at higher rates than other population groups.

  • No income threshold or asset value limit.

Please note: The applicant must not be in receipt of another social housing benefit such as a Rent Assistance Benefit (RAB) or Temporary Rent Assistance Benefit (TRAB) or live in social/ community housing as outlined under the Social Housing Accommodation Regulation (SHAR)

The GBV benefit is a one-year financial support for housing costs. The rate is $7,200.00 per year.

Recipients can choose private rental, affordable housing as well as home ownership.

The benefit offers a monthly subsidy of $600 for 12 months, or $1,200 for 6 months. Recipients can access first months rent & security deposit from the benefit.

The benefit is portable within the province of Alberta only.


Applicants should have experienced gender-based violence within six months of the time of application. If the timeline exceeds six months, the referrer can use their discretion when determining if someone is best suited for the benefit

The GBV housing benefit is a one-year financial support for housing costs and can be accessed once within a fiscal year. The GBV housing benefit is not an ongoing benefit stream. Referrers should discuss plans for long-term housing stability with potential recipients to ensure that the benefit is appropriate for them and their housing needs.

How do I apply?

Applicants must obtain a referral from an authorized agency* or have a Safer Spaces certificate.

If you have the required documentation:

Apply online or Apply in person at the LHA business office, 314 3 Street South, Lethbridge.

*Shelters, Income Support, Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH), Social Workers, organizations serving the target population. Authorized agencies can make the referral through the Government of Alberta’s GBVB online portal.

For more information contact us at (403) 329 – 0556 or email

Tenant Resources

  • Lethbridge Family Centre

  • Maintenance Information

  • Tenant Guide

  • Tenant Fire Safety Information

Lethbridge Housing Authority
Lethbridge Housing Authority
Lethbridge Housing Authority
Lethbridge Housing Authority
Lethbridge Housing Authority
Lethbridge Housing Authority